If you wear glasses or contact lenses, then you’re either farsighted or nearsighted. But do you know which? It’s important to know which so you can be a conscious and active participant in the health of your eyes and vision. As eye doctors for veterans, we’re committed to providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your own health, so here’s the info you need to know on this important topic.

Nearsightedness is the most common eye affliction and means that you have good close-up vision — such as when looking at your phone or reading — but that things far away are hard to make out. Technically referred to as myopia, this can make driving difficult or even dangerous, so if you think you’re nearsighted, it’s critical you make an appointment with your Colorado Springs eye doctor

Farsightedness is the exact opposite of nearsightedness. Known as hyperopia, this condition means that while you have no problem seeing things far away, the closer they get the blurrier they become. Farsightedness is not as common as nearsightedness, and it’s also much harder to detect with standard vision screenings. That’s why it’s important to always get your eyes examined by a dedicated eye doctor for veterans so that if you do have any vision problems, we can identify them and get you the care you need. 

No matter whether you’re nearsighted or farsighted, your Colorado eye doctor has got you covered with this handy guide for taking care of your eyes. Both conditions can typically be easily and quickly treated with glasses or contact lenses so that you can walk out of our offices with 20/20 vision! Still got questions? Then give us a call or come on down to your Denver eye doctor and find out why we’re veterans’ preferred choice of eye doctor!