All services provided from VOPA are free of charge for area veterans. We also work with direct family members of the veteran to provide free or low-cost vision services, depending on their insurance carrier. We pride ourselves on helping our veterans see clearly without enduring the outlandish prices that so many front range optometry centers charge patients.


Call the Eastern Colorado Community Care line at 720-857-5988 to schedule an appointment at the Springs Dry Eye Care Center. The VA nurse sends an authorization letter to Tri-West who will then contact you to schedule an exam. This may take up to two weeks. Bring in your confirmation letter at your time of appointment to expedite the process.


We make it simple for veterans and their family members to get the eye care they deserve without spending the same ridiculous out-of-pocket fees that the other area optometrists charge.  Our high-quality service and products protect your vision and eye health! Can we help you see better at no cost?