More than 50% of all eyeglass wearers  break their glasses every year. It is undoubtedly frustrating when such a mishap occurs, but even more frustrating to learn the costs many optometrists charge to make a small repair or adjustment after it occurs.  If you’ve stepped on your glasses, lost a screw, or other damage occurs, just give us a call!


Free small repairs and adjustments save our customer’s time and money and prevent vision-related mishaps. We value our veterans and offer this service as Our expert eyecare technicians thoroughly understand the anatomy of eyewear. We have the proper tools and expertise to make small repairs and adjustments for your eyeglasses as they’re needed. 


Don’t try to repair the damage to your eyeglasses yourself. This may cause even more damage to the frame or to the glass than what you originally started with. Bring in your eyeglasses and let us take a look at the frames. We can repair most small damages and make minor adjustments while you wait, all at no cost to you!