There are several types of pink eye infections. Viral and bacterial pink eye infections are most common. We see many patients suffering from pink eye here at VOPA and the first thing we need to learn is which type of infection affects their eyes. We learn this information through patient consultations and exams, after which time we prescribe the appropriate treatment. Most pink eye treatment consists of oral antibiotic medication.

Types of Conjunctivitis

Now that we’ve discussed the two most common types of pink eye infections, you’re probably curious to learn more about each type, including their differences. Only with this information is successfully treating pink eye possible. Wonder no more.

Medically known as conjunctivitis, pink eye affect some three to six million people in the world each year. Many of those affected are children, although it is common amongst all age brackets. Viral pink eye is responsible for the majority of the infections.

What is the Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Pink Eye?

Viral and bacterial pink eye has pretty similar symptoms, although doctors conclude that some signs are indicative of either viral or bacterial infections. For example, many people who experience viral conjunctivitis also experience cold and upper respiratory infections and symptoms whereas those bothered by a bacterial infection do not. Cough, sneezing, and other cold-like symptoms along with other symptoms of pink eye affect those with a viral infection. This is likely because the adenovirus, which is responsible for colds, also causes viral pink eye infections.

People with a bacterial pink eye infection usually notice a thick white, yellow, or green discharge come out of the eye. Many times the eye also crusts over, due to the excessive amount of discharge.

The biggest difference between the two types of pink eye infections is that viral infections often occur in both eyes at the same time! Talk about a double shot of trouble. Bacterial infections occur in just one eye more often than not, although a double bacterial pink eye infection is not impossible.

More Differences Between the Two Types of Conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis usually disappears on its own within a few days. With the exception of severe cases, most people require no medical care to treat a viral infection Instead, home care is the most recommended course of treatment. A bacterial infection isn’t so simple, however. Most people bothered by a bacterial infection will need doctor intervention and antibiotic treatment. Severe cases may also require treatments such as Betadine- an antiseptic -and steroids.  Many people with viral conjunctivitis use steroid treatments to eliminate inflammation.

Visit VOPA for low-cost eye care services for veterans and their families in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We treat conjunctivitis!