Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a common problem across the U.S., affecting some six million people each year. Both children and adults experience conjunctivitis, which is caused by an infection in the eye.  Symptoms of pink eye include:

  • Watery eyes
  • White or yellow eye discharge
  • Crust over the eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Swollen eyes

Although many types of pink eyes cause problems, viral and bacterial pink eyes affect more people than other types. Most viral pink eye infections clear on their own, while bacterial infections usually require medical intervention. Even when you suspect a viral infection, visiting a doctor puts your mind at ease and ensures that you take the best possible care of your eyes and your vision.

How’d You Get That Diagnosis?

Far Too Many People Use Dr. Google to diagnose pink eye, never visiting a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Just as many visit their primary care doctor, who may not accurately diagnose the condition since he lacks expertise in eye health. You go to the dentist for a toothache, so why trust your eye health to anyone apart from an eye doctor?

What if the symptoms you experience indicate a more serious concern that a primary care physician isn’t trained to diagnose?  This risks your eye health and good vision. Dozens of potential eye conditions may cause the same symptoms as pink eyes. Without medical expertise, differentiating them is not simple. Even a well-trained physician without eye health specialty may lack warning signs of a more serious eye problem. This leaves your eye health and eyesight vulnerable. The earlier a diagnosis is made, the better, regardless of the condition. Why waste time treating a problem that’s not of concern when an optometrist accurately diagnoses your eye health concerns?

VOPA Pink Eye Care and Treatment

Schedule an appointment with VOPA if you or a loved one suspect a case of conjunctivitis. Our highly-trained optometry team offers tailored services, accurate diagnosis, and thorough treatments for veterans and their families. If you reside in Colorado Springs and need free or low-cost (for veterans families) optometry services, VOPA is ready to serve your needs.